Calming the Metabolic Storm – The Central Role of the Liver as a Key Signaling Organ

Sponsored Evening Symposium

Friday, February 21
5:15pm – 6:15pm

Join us for an evening symposium with Dr. Jeffrey Bland, as he uncovers the latest findings in the centrality of liver and bile acid function as clinical keys in regulating immunometabolic disease presentations. Dr. Bland will guide you through the multiple functions and signaling systems the liver contributes to the growing number of chronic disease patient presentations, including MASH, chronic endotoxemia, obesity, cognitive decline, mood disorders and inflammaging. He will be joined by Dr. Lisa Portera, who will review key nutrition and lifestyle interventions to support these systems while revitalizing liver function, supporting mitochondrial energy production, and improving cell signaling through the systems biology approach.

Learning Objective #1: The liver as the central organ of cellular communication in immuno-metabolic disease presentations.

Learning Objective #2: The impact of mitochondrial dysfunction associated with toxic burden and common clinical immuno-metabolic disease presentations.

Learning Objective #3: How to utilize specific nutrients and key lifestyle interventions to empower patients to Re-establish greater their immuno-metabolic balance, health and vitality.


Jeff Bland, PhD 

Dr. Jeffrey Bland is a thought leader who has spent more than four decades focused on the improvement of human health. He is known worldwide as the founder of the functional medicine movement, which represents his vision for a care model that is grounded in systems biology and informed by research that he has a unique ability to synthesize. His pioneering work has created the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute (PLMI) as well as The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM). Dr. Bland is the author of best-selling books and over 120 peer-reviewed research publications. He speaks extensively, and his engaging style makes him popular with both professional and consumer audiences. Dr. Bland’s latest project is Big Bold Health, launched in 2018. He’s on a mission to transform the way people think about one of nature’s greatest innovations: the immune system. Through Big Bold Health, Dr. Bland is advocating for the power of immuno-rejuvenation to enhance immunity at a global level. 

Lisa Portera, D.C., IFMCP

Lisa Portera, D.C, IFMCP Lisa Portera, D.C, IFMCP is an Integrative Doctor of Chiropractic; Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP) and Sr. Faculty for the institute for Functional Medicine. With over 30 years of experience in clinical practice and 20+ years of educating physicians of all disciplines in the principles and practices of Functional Medicine- She has worked extensively to improve the clinical implementation of Functional Medicine in the US and abroad. She is a member of the IFM Team which mentor’s military physicians through the DOD, on the application of functional medicine for chronic inflammatory and chronic pain conditions. Dr. Portera is Adjunct Faculty at Bastyr University California for the last 10 years, where she teaches 4th year naturopathic students the clinical application of Functional Medicine Principles to address complex chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease. She is on the advisory board for GrowBabyHealth; which is dedicated to improving prenatal health, reducing the risk of pre-term birth, and reducing chronic inflammatory disease in children. Dr. Portera is the current Director of Clinical Education for Ortho Molecular Products.

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