
Rafid Fadul, MD, MBA

Dr. Rafid Fadul is a digital health executive, company advisor, and triple board-certified pulmonary critical care physician. His professional and philanthropic life has been dedicated to improving access and quality of care. Dr. Fadul was an early adopter of telemedicine and consulted for several companies in the industry before becoming the founding Chief Medical Officer at Wheel Health, and currently serves as CEO/cofounder of Zivian Health. Dr. Fadul is also an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University teaching courses in health economics. He has published extensively in clinical medicine, health economics, and digital health, and has presented nationally and internationally on the same.

Having worked with end stage disease and patients in extremis, he shifted his focus to disease prevention and healthy aging. In that capacity, Dr. Fadul is a thought leader and Chief Medical Advisor to Cenegenics, a performance health and aging practice with over 25 years and thousands of patients over time. His goal is continue pushing the forefront of healthy aging and making it accessible to the masses.


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