Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion: Nutritional Support for Patients on Common Medications

Sponsored Morning Symposia

Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion: Nutritional Support for Patients on Common Medications

Saturday, February 17
7:30am – 8:30am

Diet and lifestyle, air, soil, water......the list goes on for environmental factors that can have an impact on your patient's health. Let's explore another area that is often overlooked, medications. Whether prescribed or OTC, common medications that people rely on everyday may be depleting vital nutrients. This session will cover how the drug is metabolized and utilized in the body and how this impacts specific nutrients; as well as how to evaluate and replenish these vitamin, minerals, and more.

Learning Objective #1: Review some of the top medications used in the US and how nutrients are impacted.

Learning Objective #2: Explore ways to evaluate nutrient deficiencies.

Learning Objective #3: Discuss nutrient intake in patient diets via quality food and supplementation.

Headshot 2023


Kristen McCormack, ND

Dr. Kristen McCormack was born and raised in southeast Michigan. She studied nutritional science with an emphasis in chemistry at Michigan State University. With the goal of becoming a doctor since elementary school, she earned her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine from Sonoran University in Tempe, Arizona.

Dr. McCormack has a passion for environmental medicine, continuously learning and teaching about how our surroundings, including food, air, and water impact health. She has received certifications in building biology and regenerative agriculture. Dr. McCormack is often found researching the latest on nutritional and pharmacological influence on epigenetics. Additionally, she serves as a consultant in physician education and research and development for Metabolic Maintenance Products and MethylPro. She is always up for new travel adventures, exploring new spaces and cultures.

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