Session Details

CME: Understanding Bias & Mistrust in Communities of Color and Applying Sensible Solutions for Improvement

Feb 23 2023

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM EDT

Grand Ballroom West

Biases and trust issues are key to a successful patient-provider relationship. Without these critical connections, an effective therapeutic outcome is highly unlikely. This session will examine patient bias and trust issues in communities of color as well as some of the historical sources for this mistrust. We will also review the latest research outcomes regarding a patient’s bias toward providers. Some of these findings are counter-intuitive and differ by race and ethnicity. Finally, best practices for a productive provider-patient encounter, particularly for patients of color, will be reviewed. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Summarize the latest data on patient bias, trust & perceptions in communities of color
  2. Examine some of the historical foundations for mistrust and their lasting perceptions in many patients
  3. Review best practices to connect with patients.
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