February 20-22, 2025  •  Hilton Midtown  •  New York, NY

Session Details

Dying Well

Feb 23 2023

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT



When someone is given a terminal diagnosis, family and friends often rally around that individual and pledge together to fight against the disease. When death finally takes the person, those at the funeral find comfort when people say they “fought until the end”. What is the true cost of this approach, and does it rob individuals from really living and then dying well? When we are engaged in a battle it is exhausting and leaves little time for anything else. Making meaningful memories and connecting with loved ones can get pushed to the back burner as we spend all our time, energy, and resources in hospitals and searching for a miracle cure. This presentation will engage the listener as they consider stories of clients who have “fought until the end”. It will encourage them to consider their own advanced directive decisions and guide them in conversation ideas that can help patients make informed decisions at the end of their lives. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Illustrate at least two considerations of what it means to die well
  2. Summarize at least two ethical considerations when caring for the terminally ill
  3. Identify at least two strategies to help clients consider goals of care in end-of-life discussions


Wichita Medical Associates and AmySipleNP, LLC

- Nurse Practitioner

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