Session Details

Invisible Threats: An Evidence-Based, Integrative Approach to Helping Our Kids Thrive in Our Toxic World

Feb 21 2025

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM EDT

Murray Hill

Our children and teens are facing an unprecedented and unacceptable epidemic of chronic disease. If we are to reverse this tide, it is imperative to understand the underlying root causes, preventive measures, and opportunities for successful treatments. Environmental toxins, in particular per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and other endocrine disruptors (EDCs), are significant yet often hidden contributors to this crisis. Children have unique vulnerabilities to environmental toxins, with harmful and longlasting effects on their developing brains, immune systems, metabolic health, and hormones. Children face a lifetime of exposure starting from conception, and an understanding of their “exposome” is essential to unraveling effective points of intervention.

“Forever Chemicals,” are also referred to as “Everywhere Chemicals” because of their ubiquitous nature – found in our drinking water, foods (even organic ones), packaging, personal care products, furniture, clothing, and toys. Exposure is an inevitable part of living in our modern world – and complete avoidance is not a viable option. With a lifetime of exposure, this argues against the routine use of aggressive measures for rapid “detox.” The key to helping our kids thrive in our modern, increasingly toxic world is to make detox a “lifestyle” with an evidence-based, integrative approach to reducing exposures where possible, and preventing and mitigating harmful effects when exposures inevitably occur. 

Session Learning Objectives:

1.) Understand our children’s exposome and unique vulnerabilities to toxic exposures.

2.) Evaluate the impact of environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors on children’s health and implications for future neurologic, metabolic, hormonal, and immune health.

3.) Analyze the microbiome-, mitochondrial- and Vagus Nerve disrupting effects of EDCs.

4.) Apply practical, evidence-based diet and lifestyle strategies to reduce and mitigate the effects of toxin exposure children.

5.) Create an integrative and functional medicine plan to support optimal biotransformation and elimination of EDCs, and to prevent and mitigate their harmful effects on children.


Healthy Kids Happy Kids

- Integrative Pediatrician

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