Session Details

CME: Lifestyle Medicine

Feb 15 2024

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT

Grand Ballroom West

Lifestyle Medicine is the burgeoning field of medicine which seeks to improve common health behaviors to manage, treat and potentially reverse 80% of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and many cancers.  Health care professionals start with their own personal behaviors and help patients to get nutritious food, adequate exercise, sufficient sleep, less risky substances, improved social connection and well managed stress. Clinicians and patients experiencing Lifestyle Medicine report improved satisfaction with caring and care received. Lifestyle Medicine is spreading from individual practices through large healthcare systems.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Cite the root cause of more than 80% of healthcare costs, chronic disease, and premature death.
  2. Define and distinguish Lifestyle Medicine from aligned fields including Preventive Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and Functional Medicine.
  3. Assess your health behaviors and complete a Personal Health Inventory to begin your path towards improved health.
  4. Establish next steps to incorporate Lifestyle Medicine into your personal and professional life.
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